Post Abortion Ministry
“When I first started the Post-Abortion Healing Workshop, I was nervous to be open with complete strangers, but the SonRays facilitators were accepting and had open arms. SonRays is an amazing ministry. Attending this workshop did so much more than help me heal from an abortion. It touched on things I didn’t even realize were having an effect on my life. I have been ashamed of my choices for a very long time. Through this workshop, I am overjoyed to say that I am finally at peace. With every week, I felt more and more weight being lifted off my shoulders. It was through the Word of God that I began to understand that God is a forgiver. I am ever so grateful for this workshop. I know God has a plan for me, and it brings me joy to go through this journey of life with God by my side.”

Post-Abortion Healing
Women who are hurting after an abortion are not always understood. Many wonder, “How can anything that is a woman’s right to choose hurt so much?” Women who choose abortion, thinking it is the right thing to do at the time, are not exempt from grieving the loss of their child.
SonRays Ministries helps women walk through the grieving and healing process in a safe, confidential setting through a private, 9-week workshop. Each woman that attends the workshop will have the opportunity to experience complete healing and restoration in her relationship with God and others.

Post-Abortion Healing
Women who are hurting after an abortion are not always understood. Many wonder, “How can anything that is a woman’s right to choose hurt so much?” Women who choose abortion, thinking it is the right thing to do at the time, are not exempt from grieving the loss of their child.
SonRays Ministries helps women walk through the grieving and healing process in a safe, confidential setting through a private, 9-week workshop. Each woman that attends the workshop will have the opportunity to experience complete healing and restoration in her relationship with God and others.