Ways to Give
Give Securely Online
SonRays Ministries, Inc. is a 501(c)(3) tax-exempt ministry and all donations are tax deductible. You can give securely below and, upon completion, you will be emailed a thank you receipt for tax purposes. All of the ministry’s services are free of charge to the families that are assisted. Thank you for your interest in supporting us financially.
If giving by mail, please make checks payable to:
SonRays Ministries inc., PO Box 673, Tonawanda, NY 14150
Change Lives With Your Change

“For You created my inmost being; You knit me together in my mother’s womb.”
PSALM 139:13
When you fill a baby bottle with your spare change, cash or checks, the money raised will support the life changing work of meeting the physical and spiritual needs of women who are facing an unplanned pregnancy. You may pick one up at our office in Amherst, New York or we can mail one to you if you would kindly cover the postage. Once filled, return the bottle to our office for a new empty one and repeat. Complete and return the tax donation slip located inside the bottle and we will keep track of your donations. You will be surprised by how it all adds up!
Donate Items for Ministry Use
Call or email to make arrangements for your donation. If you have a special item to donate, please call ahead and check before coming with your items.

Hospital Baby Baskets
We provide baskets for moms after her baby’s birth.There are 14 individually wrapped items to bless the mom. Each has a scripture verse to read and meditate on as they open one gift per day for the first two weeks of their baby’s life. We receive donations of the following items:
- Small Kleenex Packets
- Christian Jewelry / Pins
- Notepads with Scripture
- Bible Verse Stickers
- Christian Music CDs
- Christian Key Chains
- Scripture Mugs
- Bible Promise Books
- Christian Magnets
- Small Bible Verse Plaques
- Anything Spiritually Uplifting That You Would Like to Receive...
Single Moms and their Children
Do you have NEW items to donate? Some of our current needs include:
- Toddler Car Seats
- Baby Clothes
- Baby Washcloths
- Lightweight Baby Sleepers
- Diaper Bags
- Double Stroller
Donations for the Faith Home
We gladly receive any home paper products, in addition to Sam’s Club gift cards (so we can purchase them ourselves):
- Facial Tissues
- Paper Towels
- Bathroom Tissues
- Guest Plates
- Napkins
Shop Our Gift Registry
Buy a much needed baby item, like an infant car seat, baby feeding bottles or onesies through our registry on Amazon Smile. We will get money through Amazon Smile purchases and the gift item is shipped directly to SonRays Ministries.
Donate Time
dad who has time available during the day, or a retiree wanting to share their gifts with others, WE NEED YOU! There are numerous and varied opportunities to serve the LORD in SonRays Ministries. Fill out the form below and we will contact you.
More Ways to Help
There are many ways to help and support us. First step is to pray. Ask God to show you where your talents, gifts, time and resources are best given. Then contact us to get involved. God has a place ready for you and your help is so
very valuable to us.
For more information about SonRays Ministries, Inc. or other ways you can get involved, please contact us at (716) 695-9494 or attend one of our monthly meetings so we can get to know you. However God might be leading you, we are grateful and look forward to speaking with you.