Who are you? Ever think about that?
“Fearfully and wonderfully made…” (Psalm 139: 14)
That, in case you are wondering, applies to you. Yes, you.
Who says so? God says so!
And if God says so, who are we to argue with Him?
You have searched me and you know me… (Psalm 139:1)
Who has searched you? Who knows you? Oh, you know the answer…
No one, not your own parent, not your spouse, not your best friend, not even yourself, knows you better.
Your thoughts. Your words. Your comings. Your goings. Everything about you. God knows it all.
He did, after all, create you.
But wait, it gets even better.
Not only are you fearfully and wonderfully made by God…
You are made in His image.
So God created mankind in his own image,
in the image of God he created them;
male and female he created them (Gen 1:27)
Stop and think about that.
As a male, as a female, you reflect who He is.
Can you even wrap your mind around that?
But wait… There’s more!
Not only are you fearfully and wonderfully made in His image…
You were created ON PURPOSE. FOR A PURPOSE.
And how do we know this? Read on:
Everyone who is called by My name, whom I created for my glory, whom I formed and made (Isaiah 43:7)
Formed by His hands.
Called by His name.
Created FOR HIS GLORY. That’s your purpose. To bring GLORY to the LIVING God; that is literally why you are here!
Can you believe you are THAT important to Him?
Well, it’s true.
Your life has purpose. And that purpose is bigger than you. Even if you think you are “not important”. Oh, you’re important, alright.
You get to play a part in HISTORY! (you know, His Story???)
But the most beautiful part is that the story is all about Him. Jesus invites us to into it, free from the pressure of making it all about us.
What great news!
And the best news of all?
You’re going to love this:
“I have loved you with an everlasting love; I have drawn you with unfailing kindness (Jeremiah 31:3)
That’s who you are… because that’s WHOSE you are!